Indie Lee

Sourcing the world’s finest ingredients and formulating with the help of leading, like-minded chemists, Indie Lee & Co. intrinsically blends nature and science to bring the most efficacious products to market without sacrificing safety. The brand’s mission to provide healthier skincare options is embodied through its undertaking of rigorous testing protocols to ensure clean, high-performance products. Committed to creating change and building community in the clean lifestyle and wellness categories, Indie Lee & Co is grounded in nature, supported through science, and inspired by life. Oh and BTW…

The skin is our largest organ and we aren’t always aware of the ingredients in the products we use. When was the last time you looked at the expiration dates of your lotions and potions. It’s so interesting that so many of us try to eat “Clean” but easily have used a body lotion until it was empty and not even given a thought of when it went bad. Bet you wouldn’t forget to check the date on your yogurt! With all this in mind, back In 2008, Indie Lee was a planner: the two kids, the two dogs, the 750 square foot greenhouse where plants and edible flowers were grown for her local Whole Foods.

Then, everything changed: On November 4, 2008, she had an MRI. The results came back and found herself diagnosed with a rare brain tumor. After speaking with numerous specialists, she was told she could have as little as six months to live.When she went to the doctor and asked how this was even possible, he pointed out it could be environmental. That’s when he asked the life changing question: “What do you put on your skin?”The truth was she had no idea what she was putting on her skin, and most of us don’t – but it was the aha moment. She knew if she survived this surgery (which the odds were against), her legacy would be to create change and empower others to live their healthiest life.

So, that is where the inspiration and the drive to create a platform for Indie Lee was born. This brand is about empowerment, education and healthy living; creating a community of like minded individuals on the same journey of change. How cool is that?!

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